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Each Fiscal Year (FY), HUD opens a CoC Program Competition. The process begins with the registration of CoCs by CoC-designated Collaborative Applicants, followed by the CoC’s review of the Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIW) and the release of the CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). As the Collaborative Applicant for the Alabama Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoC), ARCH administers the annual evaluation and application process for HUD’s CoC Funding Competition for 37 Counties. 

HUD Announcement: FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition


On July 31, 2024, HUD released the FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Grants (FR-6800-N-25). Please monitor this webpage for updates related to the CoC Competition, including deadlines and other pertinent details. 

The deadline to submit CoC Consolidated applications and project applications for FY 2024 funds is 8:00 PM EDT on October 30, 2024. Applicants must complete and submit their applications in e-snaps at See Sections IV.F and G of this NOFO for application submission and timely receipt requirements.

The deadline for project applications is September 27, 2024. This public notice, posted on this landing page, confirms that the Alabama Balance of State CoC has established a 30-day submission deadline in compliance with the FY 2024 CoC Program Funding Opportunity requirements. Applications must be submitted no later than 30 days before the final submission deadline of October 30, 2024. For further details, please review all relevant communications through the CoC Competition listserv. 


Any project applications received after the deadline will not be considered for funding. 


For new and renewal project detailed instructions and navigational guides, please visit the HUD COC Program Competition page here:


If you are experiencing technical issues with e-snaps, we encourage you to reach out to the e-snaps help desk here:


As a reminder, AL BOSCOC staff are limited in the guidance we can provide to projects during the local competition. 

Do not submit your project to e-snaps yet. A PDF version should be submitted to CoC staff. Please review the RFP for additional instructions. 

HUD is hosting a webinar on August 13, 2024, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm EDT. The webinar will highlight various parts of the CoC Program Competition process, including the funding tiers, CoC Application, and Project Application. It will also discuss best practices for completing the process and how applicants should approach their responses.

* Orange denotes pending attachments

* Green denotes attachments connected to link

Notification sent to CoC Stakeholders July 31, 2024, via Constant Contact (Notice of Funding Announcement)

Notification sent to CoC Stakeholders August 12, 2024, via Constant Contact (HUD Hosted Webinar 8/13/2024)

GIW FY 2024

High-need or underserved geographic area within the Alabama Balance of State Jurisdiction based on Coordinated Entry data from 8/1/2023 thru 7/31/2024 


FY2024 and FY2025 NOFO

AL-507 Rural area as defined by HUD (3 counties NOT included, Review before submitting applications)


FY24 CoC Program Competition Webinar link 


Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless / Alabama Balance of State Continuum of Care Code of Conduct

CoC Eligible & Ineligible Cost 


Listserv sent to Stakeholders regarding Vote of New Ranking and Review Forms & Details of Vote


Detailed information regarding Letter of Intents received for FY 24 & FY25 


Alabama Balance of State - New Projects Application Questions


Alabama Balance of State Continuum of Care - New Projects Ranking Form 


Alabama Balance of State - Renewal Projects Application Questions


Alabama Balance of State - Renewal Projects Scoring Form 


Alabama Balance of State - DV Bonus Application Questions


Alabama Balance of State - DV Bonus Projects Scoring Form 

Alabama Balance of State - Letter of intent Withdrawal Survey


15 Day Posting (10/14/2024) of projects will be accepted and ranked or rejected or reduced on Alabama Balance of State Priority Listing

On October 18, 2024, the Alabama Balance of State Continuum of Care will post the CoC Application, including all attachments and the Priority Listings. Additionally, a notification will be sent via listserv to COC members and key stakeholders, informing them the CoC Consolidated Application is available for review. This communication will also include a visible list of all CoC members and stakeholders who received the email. The public posting on our website, along with the listserv notification, ensures compliance with the HUD requirement to post materials at least two days before the FY CoC Program Funding opportunity application submission deadline of October 30, 2024. 

The Alabama Balance of State (AL-507) Continuum of Care (CoC) is currently seeking volunteers to join the Rank and Review panel for the upcoming HUD CoC grant cycle. Serving on this panel offers a meaningful way to make a significant impact on the CoC’s work over a short period, though it requires a substantial time commitment during the review phase.​ If you are interested in this opportunity and have no conflicts of interest related to the CoC grant, we invite you to apply here: (Ranking & Review Interest Form). Deadline Sunday, August 31, 2024. CLOSED

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